The Nature of Reality

The Nature of Reality
Have you ever pondered on the question that what is reality? Is there any ultimate reality? And if there is an ultimate reality then what is the nature of that reality? Will we ever be able to explore the ultimate reality? These questions might seem to be perplexing but they do generate a colourful world of introspection and deep thought.

 Of course we do share some reality otherwise I wouldn’t have been writing this and you wouldn’t have been reading it. The way we all make sense of each other originates a sublime and lucid within us humans that we have some reality in common and if we didn’t share a reality we would never have been able to make sense of each other.

Ever since the beginning of the age of “enlightment” governed by the scientific realism of Galileo and his descendants, a reductionist world view that “the world of matter is the only reality and there is nothing beyond that and the world of matter is all that matters” has succeeded in achieving a grip over the popular imagination. The whole of this rumble has inducted new colours on the incredulity-laden horizons of the human thought in the earlier part of the 21st century. Matter has succeeded in becoming god for many and for others it is something like god.

The matter after becoming god has further in some mysterious way succeeded into launching its prophets. T.V evangelists prophets of matter like Richard Dawkins and his like can be seen preaching for their god un-exhaustingly. Their bishops can be seen trolling around on internet here and there. Their tone of preaching is always the same; their insecurities however may be different from each other. Sitting on the pulpit of atheism they deliver their sermons within an un-parallel pseudo confidence and anger but deep down their sentences are as hollow as a group of wet sponges on a wire. And their insecurities are more obvious than that of the person who is stupidly but intentionally cutting the very branch on which he has invested his gluteus maximus.
The reality in the material world is composed of the observer and the observed. The fan in your room is there because you are there to observe it. The tress around us are there because we are here to observe them. The whole set of sounds which illuminate the world are only there because there are ears to percieve them. The appealing colors of this universe which vividly fill our souls with enriching fantasies only exist because there are eyes to see them. The world of matter is there because we are here to observe it. Whenever, this pair of the observer and the observed is broken, the material reality shatters into pieces. Close your eyes and then there is nothing. There is no good reason to believe that the moon will exist even if there is no one to observe it. There is an ancient paradox which asks a deep and disturbing question “Does the tree which falls down in a remote jungle where there is no one out there with ears makes sound?” This exposes the trivial and fragile nature of the material reality, the god of Dawkins and his bishops.

The material reality around us serves to effect something which is not material. The juicy zinger burgers served in KFC just serve to satisfy our appetite and appetite is of course not material. I am sure that despite their erroneous tall claims and loud sermons, Dawkins and his bishops will never dare to put their fingers on appetite. Similarly, the colorful drinks in a café only serve to quench our thirsts and again thirst is something immaterial. I am sure that you can think of several other examples like this.

So is there any good reason to believe that the material Zinger burger served in Kfc is more important than my immaterial appetite? I don’t think so that there is any. So is there any reason to believe that the material world is more important than the reality which fills our bodies and translates the currents of empirical senses into experiences? I don’t think so that there is any. The preferences accurately decided makes one to conclude that “There is a deeper sublime immaterial reality inside me and the material world has just been brought into existence for the services of that immaterial reality. The immaterial reality transcends this material world and so is superior to it”.

Allah has addressed this issue in the 19th verse of Surah e Hashar.
وَلَا تَكُوْنُوْا كَالَّذِيْنَ نَسُوا اللّٰهَ فَاَنْسٰـىهُمْ اَنْفُسَهُمْ ط اُولٰىِٕكَ هُمُ الْفٰسِقُوْنَ
And be not like those who forgot Allah, so He made them forget themselves. Those are the defiantly disobedient.

It is the arrogance of these guys which has converted into ignorance. The ignorance has actualized itself into some weird but alarmingly important kind of cognitive defect which has made them forget their own selves and what a shame this is! As they have deprived themselves of conceptualizing their own existence and have opted for a reductionist view, they are more like epistemic and ideological dwarfs who are shamelessly roaming around telling the rest of the people to reduce their heights.

That famous quotation Man Arafa Nafsahu Arafa Rabbahu He who knows himself, knows his creator is the converse of that verse. The priests of atheism who are futilely involved in the efforts to persuade people that God does not exist should spare sometime out of their busy preaching schedules to ponder on their own existence. The day they realize their own existence, they will realize the existence of God. In the superfluous rhetoric and incoherent polemics that “God does not exist”, all what they have done is that they have negated their own existence. It would be appropriate to say that Richard Dawkins does not exist or at least a half human without a soul.

The famous mathematician Kurt Godel once remarked “In materialism all elements behave the same. It is mysterious to think of them as spread out and automatically united. For something to be a whole, it has to have an additional object, say, a soul or a mind. “Matter” refers to one way of perceiving things, and elementary particles are a lower form of mind. Mind is separate from matter”.

The indian poet Wasim Barelvi has the right words for these Psuedo Atheists whose mouths have grown disproportionately to their heads and this ratio fallacy has caused an ironic dilemma.
ذرا سا قطرہ کہیں آج اگر ابھرتا ہے
سمندروں ہی کے لہجے میں بات کرتا ہے

کھلی چھتوں کے دیے کب کے بجھ گئے ہوتے
کوئی تو ہے جو ہواؤں کے پر کترتا ہے

In this age, even a person as worthless as a drop of water likes to speak in the tone of a Sea. The lamps of the houses deprived of walls would have been blown out by the wind but there is someone out there who keeps on trimming the feathers of the wind. Alhamdulilah wa subhanallahu ta’ala.

To be continued Inshallah...

(If a Sunniformer happens to read it , then kindly share it on SF)


  1. When will you continue it????

  2. Sorry as i just saw your comments. Inshallah , soon i shall be again writing on issues related to the nature of reality.

  3. Are you same guy who has no clue about stuff and then writes about it anyway on Sunni-Forum?
    I read the part on atheists and laughed so much at the ignorance of a person I thought was impossible in the 21st century.
    Why don't you ask if you don't understand something or have no knowledge. We are all ignorants and clueless in most things, so it's no big deal.


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